I am excited to be opening the Traveling Knit Afghan 2021 project with this very special square.

Purl it Forward (from the concept of pay it forward) is about starting and establishing a movement of good will and kindness. If everyone paid forward the acts of kindness/ good will which was given to them - there would indeed be a chain reaction of the same.
If we all sat and thought about it... we all have had someone instrumental in helping us to the position we are all now in - whether it be a great-great-great grandfather migrating or immigrating to a new land for better opportunities, women throughout the ages and in many countries paving the way for women to have better opportunities, the Civil Rights Movement in America, Pride, to the simple act of a stranger who decides to buy your coffee.
Because we have received these acts of kindness, generosity, comfort, etc why not make sure to pass the same on to others. The square I've designed is motivated by this thought process - the linked chains which build upon each other in perfect sync is what I love seeing in humanity - our everyday lives - where building upon something great given to us, we give to the next person. And if everyone did this -- how awesome would we be! Maybe I'm living with my head in the clouds - but I actually do believe the sum of the little good things will grow into a great thing - just like this mosaic knit square!
I call it: Chain Reaction! This is the first square of the 2021 Traveling Knit Afghan and the first in a chain reaction of awesomeness that will make up the creation of a fantastic throw blanket!!
As you know - you will need 2 skeins of Feels Like Butta Lion Brand yarn - if you still don't have yarn, get it here. The fiber content is 100% polyester at 218 yards. I mention this in case, there are those who would like to substitute the yarn. Although, I'll tell ya' Feels Like Butta is a really great yarn for this project - the snuggle factor is huge - so soft! You will also need US 7/4.5mm needles (or whatever will get you a gauge of 24sts/34rows in patt for a 4x4" swatch). A set of bobbins (4) will be helpful for this square as well as two stitch markers.
Working with your main color, cast on 118. It may be helpful to cast on 4, place marker on needle, cast on 110, place marker on needle then cast on the last 4 - doing this will assist you with making sure you know where the borders will be worked at each end.
Row 1: *k2, p2; rep from * across.
Rows 2-4: As Row 1.
Row 5: k2, p2, k110, p2, k2.
Row 6: As Row 5.
Now on to the mosaic work. Keep in mind, the right and left side borders will still be worked over the first 4 sts and the last 4 sts. Purling the purls and knitting the knits. The border is always worked in the main color - no matter what row you are working.

Row 7: k2, p2, change to CC, *k3, sl1wyib, k3, sl1wyib, k2; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, change to MC, p2, k2.
Row 8: k2, p2, change to CC, *k2, sl1wyif, k3, sl1wyif, k3; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, change to MC, p2, k2.
Row 9: k2, p2, *k2, sl1wyib, k5, sl1wyib, k1; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, p2, k2. Row 10: k2, p2, *k1, sl1wyif, k5, sl1wyif, k2; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, p2, k2. Row 11: k2, p2, change to CC, *sl2wyib, k7, sl1wyib; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, change to MC, p2, k2.
Row 12: k2, p2, change to CC, *sl1wyif, k7, sl2wyif; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, change to MC, p2, k2.
Row 13: k2, p2, *k2, sl1wyib, k5, sl1wiyb, k1; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, p2, k2.
Row 14: k2, p2, *k1, sl1wyif, k5, sl1wyif, k2; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, p2, k2.
Row 15: k2, p2, change to CC, *k3, sl1wyib, k3, sl1wyib, k2; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, change to MC, p2, k2.
Row 16: k2, p2, *change to CC, *k2, sl1wyif, k3, sl1wyif, k3; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, change to MC, p2, k2.
Row 17: k2, p2, *k4, sl3wyib, k3; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, p2, k2.
Row 18: k2, p2, *k3, sl3wyif, k4; rep from * across until reach last 4 sts, p2, k2.
Alright - you have just completed the mosaic pattern set (12 rows) - Now, get cozy, grab yourself a glass of wine, cup of tea and a snack or two because you'll now just repeat that last 12 rows over 14 times. In written pattern language this is:
Rows 19 - 186: Rep Rows 7-18.
Phew! Alright, now let's tie everything up in a nice bow and finish up this square by working the top portion of the border before binding off.
Rows 187 - 188: As Row 5.
Rows 189 - 192: As Row 1.
Bind off. Weave in ends. Block to 20”x20” measurements.
WOO-HOO!! You've done it!! Now, sit back, admire your masterpiece, block it to measurements (20x20") then set it aside .. post about it on social and tag me @skeinsnsticks also use the hashtags: #purlitforward #travelingknitafghan2021 #purlitfoward2021
ps. You can also purchase a clean (without ads) pdf of the pattern for $1 from my shop.
I received some questions regarding the making of Chain Reaction and felt the video below may be of assistance.